A 17th Century Colonial New England Bibliography
This is a sometimes-annotated bibliography of the books in my personal reference library as I research
17th century colonial New England. There are a lot about the Salem witch-hunt, Puritan thought, and Anglo-Indian contact, but also a few odds
and ends that make sense to me to have on hand. Please note: I do not lend books. To anyone. Most of these titles can be borrowed from
any good public or university library. If you want to purchase a copy of any of these titles, I have included direct links to Amazon.com
for all but a handful of out-of-print or hard-to-find local imprint titles. To print out the whole bibliography, please use
the printer-friendly version to save paper.
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Abbot | Axtell | Begiebing | Boyer | Breitwieser | Briggs | Carlson | Cronon | Demos | Earhart
Francis | Gildrie | Greven | Hall | Hill | Jackson | Kramer | Lockridge | Mather | Miller
Nevins | Powell | Robinson | Rowlandson | Sewall | Starkey | Thompson | VanDerBeets | Weisman | Winslow
Abbot, Elinor. Our Company Increases Apace: History, Language, and Social Identity in Early Colonial Andover, Massachusetts. SIL: Dallas. 2007. Order from Amazon.com
Anderson, Virginia DeJohn. Creatures of Empire: How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America. Oxford: New York. 2004. Order from Amazon.com
Anderson, Virginia DeJohn. New England's Generation: The Great Migration and the Formation of Society and Culture in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge: New York. 1991. Order from Amazon.com
Anderson profiles the early English immigrants to New England, making distinctions between the first generation, which became the stuff of legends, and the second generation, which had not made the actual sacrifies of the first generation, and could never wholly measure up to them.
Apkarian-Russell, Pamela E.. A Collector's Guide to Salem Witchcraft & Souvenirs with Values. Schiffer: Atglen, PA. 1998. Order from Amazon.com
Aquinas, Thomas. On Evil. Translated by Richard Regan. Oxford University Press: New York. 2003. Order from Amazon.com
Arch, Stephen Carl. Authorizing the Past: The Rhetoric of History in Seventeenth-Century New England. Northern Illinois University Press: DeKalb, IL. 1994. Order from Amazon.com
Aronson, Marc. Witch-Hunt: Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials. Atheneum: New York. 2003. Order from Amazon.com
Aronson relates the events of Salem for teenagers in the 21st century -- with an accuracy which could benefit readers of all ages.
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This page was last updated Feb. 15, 2009 by Margo Burns, margoburns@gmail.com