7. Testimony of Elizabeth Hubbard v. Sarah Good

The deposition of Elizabeth Hubbard, aged about seventeen years, who testifies and says that on the 26 February 1692, I saw the apparition of Sarah Good, who did most grievously afflict me by pinching and pricking me and so she continued of hurting me until the first day of March, being the day of her examination, and then she did also most grievously afflict and torture me also during the time of her examination, and also several times, she has afflicted me and urged to to write in her book. Also on the day of her examination, I saw the apparition of Sarah Good go and hurt and afflict the bodies of Elizabeth Parris [Jr.], Abigail Williams, and Ann Putnam Jr., and also I have seen the apparition of Sarah Good afflicting the body of Sarah Bibber.

Elizabeth X Hubbard


Also in the night after Sarah Good's examination, Sarah Good came to me barefoot and barelegged and did most grievously torment me by pricking and pinching me, and I verily believe that Sarah Good has bewitched me. Also that night, Samuel Sibley, that was then attending me, struck Sarah Good on her arm.

Elizabeth Hubbard against Sarah Good

Essex County Court Archives, vol. 1, no. 20, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, on deposit James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.
Modernized transcription by Margo Burns, 3/8/13: Editorial Principles

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